Official Selection Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2021
Screened as part of the group exhibition 'Another Matter', ACUD Gallery, Berlin
Screened as part the ‘Art’ program of Future Intel Radio, The Netherlands

A Collaboration with Sammie Straub
A young woman interacts with her own cyborg self. Freed from flesh and thoughts in cyberspace, the digital body extends the movements and expressions of her organic body.
Directed: Sammie Straub, Matthijs Vuijk
Written: Sammie Straub, Parel Strik
Cinematography, Editing, 3d Animtion: Matthijs Vuijk
Music: Nocturnerror
Song: Blue Cycle, Last Seconds Of Resentment Require via Opal Tapes
Voice over, Sound: Sammie Straub
Screened as visual at Future Intel Radio